June 15, 2024

9 ч 30 мин, 17 март 2004 г. - Rick confronts Tyreese and the two violently fight, Allen dies. (Issue 22) (Issue 23)


- Day 253
- Rick walks in on Michonne and Tyreese kissing and tells them that Carol slit her wrist. Michonne goes to make sure she is ok and Rick harshly talks down to Tyreese about cheating on Carol. Their argument escalates and they start violently fighting.
- Tyreese punches Rick to bleeding point whilst Maggie and Glenn listen in.
- Rick brings up how Tyreese murdered Chris and Tyreese admits that he enjoyed every second of it. Glenn and Maggie are shocked.
- Tyreese brings up how Rick shot Dexter in cold blood and Rick says it was for the good of the group and that he would admit it if it wouldn't make him look like a hypocrite after his 'You kill. You die' rule. Tyreese asks Rick if he's developed a blood lust, and if that's why he mutilated Allen.
- Rick is outraged and pushes Tyreese up against the rail. Tyreese beats Rick up some more until Rick blacks out and falls over the rail. Tyreese jumps down to help him and hurts his foot. Rick is convinced Tyreese tried to kill him and the two collapse in exhaustion.
- Glenn, Maggie and then Lori come down to help them. Andrea arrives and breaks the news that Allen is dead. Rick shoots him because he doesn't want anyone else to have to do it. Rick then passes out once more.

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9 ч 30 мин, 17 март 2004 г.
~ 20 г назад
