June 15, 2024

15 сент 1894 г. - Hawaii Crisis


In 1889, the Protectorate of Hawaii was granted a fairly large amount of autonomy in internal affairs, resulting in a lack of British occupation [Outside of a few port cities and the island of Kauai]. This in turn would lead Filibusters from the United States to attempt to perform a coup against the royal family.

However, this scheme was discovered when one of the filibuster blabbed to a Vesperian civilian, thinking they were an American. Resulting in a political crisis between the United States and United Kingdom. Eventually this ended in the Treaty of Honolulu, in which the United States issued a formal apology and the filibusters were placed under British imprisonment. Two other important issues were dealt with in the treaty;

1. the Mokapu peninsula as well as the port city of Kailua were to be leased to the United States for 50 years.

2. The Kingdom of Hawaii was to be granted self-governance.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


15 сент 1894 г.
~ 129 г назад