June 15, 2024

15 июл 1903 г. - Treaty of Panama


The Treaty of Panama saw the Colombia trade the planned waterways and a section of land on the Caribbean coast of Panama [as well as the waters of the lakes that would be formed from the construction] to the United Kingdom. In exchange, the United Kingdom would cede the protectorate of the Mosquito Coast to Colombia, who had claimed it since the days of Gran Colombia.

Gran Colombia would also be paid 30% of all revenue of the canal for 99 years until 1995, when the number would be lowered to only 20%. The cession of the Mosquito Coast Protectorate over to Colombian control came with a few restrictions;

1. The Mosquito Coast belonged to Colombia in a form of suzerainty.

2. Colombia could not exploit the natural resources in the Mosquito Coast.

3. Colombia could not regulate the Miskito's trade, nor tax import to or exports from the Mosquito Coast.

4. Colombia had to pay the money overdue to the Miskito king.

5. Colombia had the right to fly its flag in any part of the Mosquito Coast.

6. The Miskito could also fly their own flag on the Mosquito Coast, so long as said flag included some sign of Nicaraguan suzerainty. A compromise was reached by using the flag used during the British protectorate, with the Union Jack on the canton replaced by the flag of Colombia.

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15 июл 1903 г.
~ 121 г назад