June 15, 2024

26 фев 1885 г. - Berlin Conference


Hoping to soothe conflicts between the France and Germany, Belgium convinced the two countries that common trade in Africa was in their best collective interests. Germany, with support from the British and the initiative of Portugal, called a meeting in Berlin. This meeting would call on representatives from 14 European countries as well as the United States, and Brazil to work out a joint policy on the African continent.

The conference was opened on November 15, 1884 and continued till its closure on 26 February 1885. Representatives went sent from; the United States of America, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Empire of Brazil, the Kingdom of Denmark, the French Third Republic, the Second German Empire, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Ottoman Empire, the Kingdom of Portugal, the Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Sardinia, the Kingdom of Spain, United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway, and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.

The Conference divided the continent between the Great Powers, with multiple minor powers taking place. The map of Africa following the scramble is similar to OTL, but with several differences. Rather than list the full Scramble, only the differences from OTL scramble are included.

1. German Southwest Africa is instead divided between Portugal, the British, and the Brazilians.

1a. Walvis Bay, and Southwest Africa east of the Omatako river, and 18th meridian East are granted to the United Kingdom. Walvis Bay remains part of the Cape Colony, while northern gains are added to the Bechuanaland Protectorate [and later to the Hereroland Protectorate in 1890]. The Islands off the coast of the Skeleton Coast are also granted to the Cape Colony.

1b. Portuguese owns the territory north of the Swakop river and west of the Omatako river, and 18th meridian East. And Eastern Portion of Angola is divided between the Protectorate of Kuando Kubango, and Kingdom of Mbunda. The Northeast area of the colony is detatched as Portuguese Congo, containing the Lunda Protectorate within it. The southern half of the remaining Portuguese possessions are reorganized as the new colony of Namibia.

Separated by the Congo Free State, Cabinda remains as its own protectorate within Angola.

1c. Brazilian claims to the Skeleton Coast North of Orange river, west of 20th meridian east, and south of the Swakop river are recognized. The land is established as the Colony of Conceição.

2. The Kingdom of Merina retains it's independence, however it is claimed by Portugal. Various port cities have been leased to the Great Powers; Antisiranana to the French, and Mahajanga to the British. The Island of Nosy Be is leased to the Germans.

3. Due to disagreements of who owned the powerful Yeke Kingdom [Katanga], controlled by Msiri. The Belgians and British place the kingdom under a Condominium. The Portuguese give up their claims on the region in exchange for the Jubaland region in Kenya.

4. Italian Somaliland in owned by Portugal, barring the Majerteen Sultanate which is granted to the French.

5. Liberia doesn't exist as a single colony. Instead, it is divided among multiple federal colonies and protectorate. Their hold on the interior is expanded with the gain of the Wassoulou protectorate.

6. The Eastern Sultanates of Ubangi Shari remain under Belgian control and are established as the protectorates of Rafaï, and Zemio.

7. Rather than receiving direct annexation, the Gaza empire is established as a vassal state of Portuguese East Africa, additionally, Portuguese claims to Malawi are negotiated, giving the Portuguese a protectorate over the kingdom of Maravi.

8. Between Gambia and Portuguese Guinea, is the Brazilian Coastal colony of Brazillian Guinea, a personal holding of King Pedro II. The Interior is controlled by the Brazilian Kaabu Protectorate.

9. Djibouti is granted to the Russians as the Colony of Sagallo.

10. Italian Eritrea is owned by the Kingdom of Sardinia.

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26 фев 1885 г.
~ 139 г назад