June 15, 2024

16 июн 1925 г. - 1925 June 16th Rosaline, Then Later, Eugene -Stop by


Tuesday, June 16th 1925
Rosaline, & Then Later
Eugene, Stop by The House

1 PM
Rosaline Macario Stops by #4 Dirk. St. to pick up some of the children's belongings. Namely clothes and some toys.
The door was locked and she didn't have a key but the side door was still unlocked so she let herself in.

Some lights were still on in the house, she needed the light because the curtains were all nailed shut. She turned on more lights as she went throughout the house.

She went to the children's room upstairs and retrieved some of their clothing and toys, putting them into a large box. Then she heard something from across the hall.

She got very scared and stood still. She could hear something, there was definitely someone there upstairs with her, she could here them moving around in another room.

It could be anyone, she thought, for the side door to the house was not locked when she arrived. She had got in through it herself and had no key. "was she technically trespassing?" she wondered.

She peeked out and the doors to the other rooms were closed so she decided then to run.

She left with the box of clothes promptly. Leaving through the side door and not locking it but closing it firmly behind her.

2 PM
She then went and told Mr. William Knott's Butler. Mr. Eugene Davies.

Rosaline could not find Alessandro's favorite Doll, that his mother Gabriela Macario had made for him while pregnant with him.

Alessandro plans to return to the house to get his doll back from "the angry old man with the burning yellow eyes".

June 16th 1925
3 PM
Eugene Davies Arrives. Unable to open the front door, even after unlocking it he tries the side door and finds it unlocked. He enters the house and locks the door behind himself. He scopes the entire house out and finds no one in the house.

He finds the added bolts to the front and back and side doors of the house and he leaves them all in locked position besides the side door so he can still exit through it. He does not bother to lock the back and front doors with his key.

He turns off the power killing the lights. He doesn't need them, equipped with his Lantern and Revolver he is confident in his ability to scare away any vagrant or miscreant that dares intrude upon his boss's property.

Confidant that no wild animal nor vagrant is hiding in the house he locks up the side door with his key before leaving, he ensures that everything is turned off but also ensures that the power is turned back on the breaker before leaving, all the lights are off, and the refrigerator is still running.

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16 июн 1925 г.
~ 99 г назад