June 15, 2024

1 янв 1693 г. - 1693 Yellow Fever Epidemic


Yellow Fever
Yellow Fever was a disease that caused thousands of deaths, and many people to flee the afflicted areas. It begins with a headache, backache, and fever making the patient extremely sick from the start, and gets its name from the yellow color of the skin, which develops in the third day of the illness. At the end of one week, the afflicted person is either dead or recovering. Yellow Fever is transmitted by mosquitoes, when it bites an infected person it carries several thousand infectious doses of the disease making it a carrier for life passing it from human to human.

Yellow Fever made its first appearance in America in 1668, in Philadelphia, New York and Boston in 1693. It had been brought over from Barbados. Throughout the Colonial period, there were several epidemics in those cities as well as Texas, New Hampshire, Florida and up the Mississippi river as far as St. Louis, Missouri. During many of these epidemics, the residents who chose to stay in the area avoided others by shutting themselves in their houses away from friends and jobs. Unemployment and businesses coming to a halt was universal. The death rate was so high the people had to work day and night to bury the dead.

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1 янв 1693 г.
~ 331 г назад