June 15, 2024

2 окт 1845 г. - Oregon Crisis


Many in the United States wished to go to war with the United Kingdom rather than Mexico. The public opinion in America was quite neutral towards Mexico prior to the Texan Revolution, while being against the British.

President Meyer, who was also heartily against the British and Expansionist, was eager to follow through with the concept of 54° 40' or Fight. Many settlers in the Oregon Country became antagonistic to any British or Canadians they came across and in June, the British sent an ultimatum to Baltimore demanding that hostilities end, or else.

Thankfully, the opposition of southern states [who would be unable to expand into any conquered territory], as well as recent Mexican hostilities, would end with America expanding into Mexico instead.

Negotiations with the British would open in late July and go on until October. The treaty of Victoria saw the American buy the southern portion of the territory for 8 million. The border was drawn at the Columbia and Snake Rivers until meeting with the border of the Louisiana Purchase.

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2 окт 1845 г.
~ 178 г назад