June 15, 2024

29 март 2008 г. - 2nd Seal - Red Horse (Bloodshed) Revelation 6:4


The Rider on the Red Horse is Now Riding All Over the World


Mena Lee Grebin's Dream

In April 2008 I had been living in Charlotte NC for about seven or eight months. The democratic primaries were going on at that time. Obama and Hillary were the two main candidates.

That night I had a dream in which I was driving my mother’s red Beetle. I was turning onto the freeway while speaking on the phone talking with a friend. My friend asked me, “So what do you think about the new President?”

I said, “What do you mean?”

She said, “Obama won! What are your feelings about that?”

I quoted the verse where the second seal was opened. I said, “A red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him (Revelation 6:4).”

Then the scene changed and I was looking at all of these old fashioned televisions all around the world. They were showing that Obama had been elected President. The programs were in all different languages, but specifically I saw Arabic. I saw people cheering all over the world that Obama had won. I saw the Arabs and the Muslims with their faces covered. They had guns and were shooting them off into the sky and cheering the he had won.

That was the end of the dream.

Then Mena called her mom and said, “Obama is not only going to win the primary. He is going to win the election mama. And the Lord is showing me Obama is going to be responsible for taking peace from the earth, causing war.”

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29 март 2008 г.
~ 16 г назад