June 15, 2024

14 апр 1900 г. - LTA #2


Compulsory School Attendance Laws
* It is the laws that state the minimum and
maximum age that a child must
enrolled in and attending public school
or some equivalent education program
* It was necessary to have these laws to
create a population that could read and
write. So they could be active and
responsible members of American
* It was also necessary to have these
because it created equality among our
people. It gets rid of one of those gaps
between social classes. It was so it
wasn’t just a small fraction of people
essentially ruling the country and
everyone else was obsolete.
* Nowadays everyone has to have some
type of schooling until at least until age
16. Today having an education is a
necessary part of life. For most jobs you
have to have at least a high school
diploma. Even the army wants high
school graduates.
Labor Laws
* Labor laws mediate the relationship
between workers, employing entities,
trade unions and the government. They
are what decides how many hours you
can work based on how old you are and
other factors. (wikipedia.org)
* The creation of labor laws kept peoples
bosses from overworking and overall
just taking advantage of their
* Before labor laws employees were
working crazy hours. In fact one of the
labor laws was that women could only
work 10 hours a day; I would hate to
know what kind of hours they were
working before that. Not to mention how
bad it must have been for their health.
Speaking of health another law forbid
children from working before that age of
14. Those children were usually working
on dangerous machinery too. They could
fit in the small places fully grown people
couldn’t which could obviously go very
bad. It also took children out of school
too, which was harmful to their
* Nowadays, people can’t be forced to do
crazy hours at work and children can’t
work until they are 15 years old even
then we can’t work more than 24 hours a
week at least in Maine.
Safety Regulations at Work
* Safety Regulations at Work are standards
designed to ensure the safety of
products, activities or processes, etc.
They may be advisory or compulsory and
are normally laid down by an advisory or
regulatory body that may be either
voluntary or statutory. (worksmart.org)
* The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, was the
incident that resulted in safety regulation
laws. 146 workers died in that fire
because they couldn’t get out of the
building in time because of lack of
escapes and a warning system.
* Overall it something good came out of
this tragic event. Workplaces became
cleaner and safer for people to work in
* Nowadays, we have safety laws that are
strictly enforced. Businesses are
checked up on from time to time to
make sure the conditions are safe.
Impure Food and Drug Act
* For preventing the manufacture, sale, or
transportation of adulterated or
misbranded or poisonous or deleterious
foods,drugs, medicines, and liquors, and
for regulating traffic therein, and for
other purposes. ( encyclopedia.com)
* The jungle story, which talked about the
awful and unsanitary conditions of the
meat packing plant, exposed the
conditions and got people to want to
change them.
* Also people wanted to get the drug
cocaine that was in everything out of
their foods.
* Nowadays we have agencies like the CDC
which make sure that all our food is
clean and safe as well as the conditions it
was made in.

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14 апр 1900 г.
~ 124 г назад