June 15, 2024

1358 - 1669 The Hanseatic League (8 apr 1356 anni – 15 magg 1669 anni)


The Hanseatic League (Latin: Hansa Teutonica) was an influential medieval commercial and defensive confederation of merchant guilds and market towns in central and northern Europe.

Growing from a few north German towns in the late 12th century, the League ultimately encompassed nearly 200 settlements across seven modern-day countries; at its height, it stretched from the Netherlands in the west to Russia in the east, and reached as far north as Swedish Gotland and as far south as Kraków, Poland

The first "Hansetag", i.e. a general meeting of the Hanseatic League, dates back to 1356, attended by representatives from almost all the so-called "Hansestädte", i.e. Hanseatic cities.


Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


8 apr 1356 anni
15 magg 1669 anni
~ 313 years