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April 1, 2024

The Maya Empire (17 gen 1000 anni a. C. – 13 agos 1521 anni)


The Mayan Empire flourishes in Mexico as well along with the Aztecs. They practiced many of the same religious ceremonies as the Aztecs such as human sacrifice and had many wars in honor of the many gods that they worshipped. They worshipped over 165 gods, and remained a mystery for the better part of their existence because of the Spanish Inquisition and the burning of Mayan texts. Their human sacrifice was done by ceremonial blood-letting with ceremonial razors. Their religion was greatly influenced by astronomy they interpreted messages that they believed to be from the gods with the use of reading stars. They continued to build pyramids like the Olmecs and historians have divided them into two separate types: one was used for religious practices such as worship and sacrifice and nearly anyone could climb them and use them for their religious practices. The other was not meant to be climbed regularly, as the steps were steep and the path was considered dangerous and meant to be climbed only by priests who climbed them to be closer to the gods to worship. There are people who still identify as Mayan to this day, although this is more of an ethnic identity rather than a religious one.
Depicted is the nine gods of the underworld.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


17 gen 1000 anni a. C.
13 agos 1521 anni
~ 2523 years
