June 15, 2024

'Something To Fear' (The Walking Dead: Volume 17) (10 ore 27 feb 2005 anni – 7 ore 30 min, 11 marzo 2005 anni)


- Day 589 > 601
- Gabriel prays for Rick's group in his church service.
- They kill a group of Saviors on the road.
- Rick's group returns with food, Maggie is pregnant.
- Rick hosts a meeting about the Hilltop and Saviors
- Andrea and Rick officially start dating.
- Abraham is killed, Eugene is captured by the Saviors.
- Dwight launches a failed assault on Alexandria.
- The survivors mourn Abraham, Glenn wants to live at the Hilltop.
- Abraham's funeral is held.
- Rick plans a trip to the Hilltop, Glenn and his family are going to move there.
- Carl wants to go with Rick to the Hilltop, Holly visits Abraham's grave.
- They leave to go to the Hilltop, Connor's group prepare an attack.
- Alexandria go about their day, Andrea and Spencer hang out.
- They get lost and stay the night on the road, Glenn is excited for tomorrow.
- Rick takes over Michonne's watch shift.
- Glenn gets his head bashed in by Negan using Lucille.
- The traumatised survivors carry on to the Hilltop.
- Connor's group attack Alexandria, Dwight is captured. (Mentioned)
- They arrive at the Hilltop, Maggie and Sophia stay.
- Alexandria was attacked, Dwight was captured.
- Carl is angry about Glenn, Rick doesn't think he can fight Negan.
- Rick runs his plan by Michonne, she remembers the Governor situation.
- They can't get by on half their food, Eugene can make bullets.
- Rick gives in to Negan's rule to everyone's anger.
- Dwight is let go, Jesus follows him to get Rick information.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


10 ore 27 feb 2005 anni
7 ore 30 min, 11 marzo 2005 anni
~ 12 days
