June 15, 2024

The Oipientian Invasion of Klertinia (7 magg 1432 anni – 7 gen 1433 anni)


During the first half of the Second Hells War, Klertinia was supporting the Grotian and Larifien sides until the end of the Hisuvi Trade Agreement. The kingdom officially joined the war against Oipienta in 1428 and thier soldiers began pushing into Southern Oipienta. Oipienta, at the time, was mainly fighting in the north, trying to capitulate Larifien. While soldiers were still in the south keeping the Xeeri soldiers at bay, there were only enough to protect from the Xeerians and from some Mredonian support, not the Klertinians. Thus, after the fall of Larifien, Oipienta set its focus in the South. First, they set up a line of defence in the low parts of their eastern border with Mredon, then they set up a couple of regiments to protect from the Xeerian border, and last they sent in their main forces into Klertinia and to begin the invasion.

The invasion was a short one as Oipienta only focused on the portion on the eastern side of Serpent's Bay, while Krilkot invaded the western side. the Oipientian soldiers quickly stormed the provincial capitals of the eastern side and the kingdom fell quickly to the invaders. The largest battles were the Battle of Fopesos, the Battle of Rai'ús, and the Seige of Fopesos. After the Klertinian capital fell to the Krilkotians, the King of Klertinia surrendered.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


7 magg 1432 anni
7 gen 1433 anni
~ 8 months