// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Astral Order (20 dic 2017 anni – 22 ore 51 min, 19 marzo 2019 anni) (Il nastro del tempo)
April 1, 2024

Astral Order (20 dic 2017 anni – 22 ore 51 min, 19 marzo 2019 anni)


Founded December 20th of 2017 by jay_monroe and LordGalvatronMC after the collapse of The Church of Eden, The duo invited former church members and began construction of a base known as Malachor. The group was fairly inactive the activity consisting mostly of the council and a few lower ranks. Tensions rose over how to handle this inactivity causing SuperViperMan to leave not long before the group joined the UGE(United Group Embassy). Group activity stayed about the same despite growth due to joining the UGE and recruiting attempts,until about mid February. SuperViperMan had rejoined the group at the lowest rank and earned a promotion which FronkTheHuman was against due to being salty about him leaving before. Eventually it got to the point where Fronk took these frustrations out on Viper by demoting him and arguing with his fellow council members resulting in his demotion. He then left the order and leaked Malachor, which lead to it being greifed by Retronautx, IHackedWalmart, and Armorsmith. After the greifing of Malachor jay_monroe and LordGalvatronMC fed up with the inactivity ordered the lower ranks to a new base dubbed The Monastery founded by jay_monroe, LordGalvatronMC, and SuperViperMan. The Monastery grew to be a fairly large base focused on more quality builds and activity grew with decisions to prevent mistakes like those during the early days from ever happening again. After the Monastery was slowly abandoned in favor of a new main base dubbed Lugdunum, the group experienced a massive spike in applicants and growth. The group later experienced a sort of crash after the group got too big and consistent arguing resulted due to tensions between Imems and some in council which indirectly pushed some members to go inactive or consider leaving. Following some internal drama involving digandbuilder over his behavior and YouTube channel, Imems and council argued resulting in Imems leaving out of anger. The group is currently going through a series of changes to fix problems made aware by the previously mentioned drama.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

13 dic 2021


20 dic 2017 anni
22 ore 51 min, 19 marzo 2019 anni
~ 1 years and 2 months