June 15, 2024

Year of hope (1 gen 1828 anni – 1 gen 1829 anni)


It was Hope for multiple things happening parallel, most importantly, it looked like the division and instability that Martin III fostered and Narin II couldn't fix would finally heal. All of the riverlands faction seems to have come together under the joint rule of Arsolin and Valdyna, and setting a new ground 0 for royal succession, firmly closing an ugly chapter in history. The other main source of hope was that finally someone made concerted efforts to completely liberate the riverlands from the now truly lawless ""mercenaries"". Both efforts would end kinda disappointingly, but ultemately they weren't a faliour.

Aldyna was famously poisoned, and Arsolin, idealist he was decided that politics is dumb and abdicated, leaving his alleged infant son, the future Dárein, leaving Xerxus completely empty handed. But even though this situation seems just ideal for a nasty civil war, things did consolidate over time, until the "split by the Xerous" was no longer relevant.

On the military front too, though lhandornese intervention delayed the reconquest, there was continoud pressure from here on out to finish the task. But yes, the mercenaries prove to be a conistent pita for the riverlands, up until their final demise in the 1860 Lhandornese War.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

26 gen 2023


1 gen 1828 anni
1 gen 1829 anni
~ 12 months