July 1, 2024

Grand Lhandornese War (21 dic 1860 anni – 15 giug 1861 anni)


Most of Lhandorn wanted a war. They realised, that the power vacuum is long gone, and now their presence is less end less tolerated, as the go to place for everithing illegal. The lundamarians have beaten them not so long ago at Crows' end, and they want reavange. Also, the mercenaries (or so they are called, they are really just outlaws) were driven off most of the Riverlands, and they flee to Lhandorn, where they gain influence due to them being relatively organised. They want war with the merchant government that runs Tarven. They also want to attack Yelona, because of their blocade. A lot of people had different priorities, but because its Lhandorn we are talking about, they attacked everybody. The war with Lundamar was a stalemate, while on the eastern front they have seen some victories, notably they captured Tarven, and had that battel with Boran Lanner. But back in Xerxus, they organised a new army, and Dárein specifically found himself leading an army - he beaten the Lhandornese, than quickly staged a coup against the regent princes, declaring himself governor. Yelona also entered the war, lifting the siege of Lannerion, retaking Tarven, and going up the Lhaorous river. But the biggest attraction of the war was the Lesoro involvement. See, the regent princes, fearing defeat, payed the Lesoros to come and take down the Lhandornese with their then ellusive airship armada. Eventually by the time it arrived, the lhandornese were already retreating, but the specticle was incredible none the less. It was the first time the Lesoro Air Force was seen its full glory: a total of 120 airships took part in the war.
It was certanly a factor in the upcoming Anti-Lesoro War (1866-1867) that people were terrified of that fleet.
Eventually Lhandornese morale snaped, and they went full retreat to the bushes guerilla mode. But now with airships, it was a lot harder to hide, that was the big lesson of the war: there is a counter to Lhandorn's historical strategy.
After the war, the allies took some territory near the borders, and alongside rivers, main roads, and notably the Lesoros got a private airbase.
From here on out, the decline of Lhandorn begun, with foreign powers having more and more influence, and a never ending civil war between the oldfags and the mercenaries over whose idea was the war even , and why they failed.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

26 gen 2023


21 dic 1860 anni
15 giug 1861 anni
~ 5 months and 25 days