June 15, 2024

Life of Marcus Cato or Cato the elder (24 marzo 234 anni a. C. – 9 marzo 149 anni a. C.)


Was a millitary commander. Fought in the second punic war and after that worked his way up the political ladder. In 195 he was elected consul. He was heavily against the repeal of the Oppian law which stated that women could wear fancy clothes or spend to much. Cato said that Roman society would fall through the spending habits of women. He also viewed the Greek culture as dangerous and said he was a big supporter of Roman values and Norms. He also tried to esablish the office of censor in which people had to live up to his standards.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


24 marzo 234 anni a. C.
9 marzo 149 anni a. C.
~ 85 years