// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Second Industrial Revolution (25 lugl 1870 anni – 18 feb 1914 anni) (Il nastro del tempo)
April 1, 2024

Second Industrial Revolution (25 lugl 1870 anni – 18 feb 1914 anni)


After the expansion of the nation during the Mexican-American War, as well as the new Union crafted after the Civil War, America began to industrialize. Railroads were built across the nation, which made commerce and trade easier. And the expansion that the USA had fought Mexico for was finally proving its worth. New companies began to sprout and so did oil, as America's oil boom was playing its part, since the first American oil was drilled in 1859. Different ways of working the companies, such as vertical integration, which was skillfully used by Andrew Carnegie, and horizontal integration, which was pioneered by famous businessman John D. Rockefeller Sr..

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


25 lugl 1870 anni
18 feb 1914 anni
~ 43 years
