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April 1, 2024

The Tartar Yoke (26 agos 1237 anni – 4 lugl 1480 anni)


Bhatu Khan, mongol leader, overtakes the weakened Rurikid kingdoms in 1237 after an initial war on the Kalka River in 1223. Many towns were burned and people killed if they did not give way. Their empire was called the "golden horde," and it lasted from 1242 to... The Russian states were considered vassals to the golden horde and were forced to pay the khan in Sarai. (Mongols are called the tartars.)

After the Tartars accepted Islam in 1313, the Grand Principality of Moscow is established and they lost their northwestern protectorates to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, who beat back the Tartars and take Kiev in 1362. They also lose the area of Moscow to Donskoi in 1380. Between 1438 and 1453, the golden horde breaks into a number of khanates due to princely in-fighting. By 1478, Moscow has expanded its land holdings northward into the present day Baltic states and southeastern Finland and is considered the first Russian state. In 1480, Russia forced off a tartar attack, casting off the tartar yoke.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


26 agos 1237 anni
4 lugl 1480 anni
~ 243 years