June 15, 2024

'Life Among Them' (The Walking Dead: Volume 12) (14 ore 15 ottob 2004 anni – 19 ore 19 ottob 2004 anni)


- Day 455 > 458
- Rick and Carl talk about Ben, Eugene isn't a scientist.
- A man named Aaron approached the group, the survivors agree to join his community.
- Andrea and Rick talk about her life, Aaron's partner Eric joins the group.
- Rick, Abraham and Aaron go into the streets of D.C. to rescue two supply runners.
- Rick returns with Heath and Scott, they continue to the community.
- They arrive at their new home: The Alexandria Safe-Zone.
- Rick showers, meets Olivia and becomes a police officer.
- The group takes a tour around Alexandria.
- Douglas visits the group at night.
- Alexandria celebrates Halloween.
- Rick talks about taking over Alexandria.
- Michonne retires her sword.
- Douglas throws a welcoming party for the survivors, Rick meets the Andersons.
- Michonne causes a scene and leaves along with Glenn and Rick.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


14 ore 15 ottob 2004 anni
19 ore 19 ottob 2004 anni
~ 4 days
