June 15, 2024

Influenza (20 magg 1918 anni – 1 gen 0 anni)


• Facts
o Kids, pregnant women, 65+ year old, chronic illnesses
o Social distancing was introduced
o Pathogen peaks in winter time
o H5N1: Zoonotic Disease
o Reemerging disease
o Some people will not get vaccinated due to personal reasons such as allergies or religion

• Symptoms:
o Fever, lead to pneumonia, vomiting headache, chills
o Spanish Flu:   people would turn blue or purple as the lungs lacked oxygen
o Can lead to Guillain-Barre Syndrome

• Not eradicated

• Treatments/transmission:
o Air droplets
o Nasal mist=LIVE , ATTENUATED
o Injected =HEAT KILLED
o social distancing, wash hands, cover mouth, stay home if ill for better recovery

• Historical events
o 1918-19: Spanish Flu-50-100 million died (WWI)
o 1957-58: Asian Flu-H2N2 strain where it infected 1/3 of the world’s population
o 1968-69: Hong Kong Flu-New strain (H3N2) where ¼ of the population was infected, and the fatality rates were lowered than the Asian Flu
o 1977-78: Russian Flu where swine flu was introduced while H1N1 was reintroduced

Picture Reference:

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

13 dic 2018


20 magg 1918 anni
1 gen 0 anni
~ 0 months
