June 15, 2024

Agrigultural Revolution (1 gen 1750 anni – 1 gen 1880 anni)


Before the agricultural revolution, common land was shared by all farmers to farm to meet the basic needed supplies for their family and community, which was called subsistence farming. Various methods like hand sowing and the 3 crop rotation system were innovated into much more efficient methods. In 1700, Jethro Tull's seed drill made it's appearance, it increased production by 5 times. The Dutch 4 crop rotation system introduced by Lord "Turnip" Townshend increased the life of livestock by feeding them turnips during the winter, while replenishing farm soil with nutrients for the next crops. Fewer people were needed to produce such great quantities and private farms appeared, so farmers had to find jobs in cities because they weren't needed anymore. Farming went from subsistence farming to a surplus of food with commercial opportunities because of the great innovations that increased farming productivity.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1750 anni
1 gen 1880 anni
~ 130 years