// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Rome (12 ore 21 apr 753 anni a. C. – 12 ore 1 gen 476 anni) (Il nastro del tempo)
April 1, 2024

Rome (12 ore 21 apr 753 anni a. C. – 12 ore 1 gen 476 anni)


Rome started under the control of a monarchy formed of city-states in 800. Romans were always extending their borders, fearing invaders. The Roman Republic was replaced by powerful generals called Emperors.The Roman Empire had the Pax Romana, which was the basic structure for the empire. The fall of the Roman Empire was due to economic deterioration, population loss, a less effective government, the inability to conquer more land to finance the empire, and the fact that the empire was too spread out, allowing the empire to be easily attacked. However, the Roman Empire split into two in 330 AD by Diocletian in order to preserve the culture and achievements of the Roman Empire.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


12 ore 21 apr 753 anni a. C.
12 ore 1 gen 476 anni
~ 1230 years
