June 15, 2024

War of Spanish Succession (17 feb 1702 anni – 11 feb 1713 anni)


Key Aspects:
- fought over succession to the Spanish throne; Habsburg ruler Charles II had left Spanish throne to Louis XIV, his grandson
- Louis took it and became King Phillip V of Spain
- however, other European countries were afraid of over-balance of power for Bourbon dynasty (Bourbon hegemony)
- coalition was formed between England, United Provinces, Hapsburg Austria, opposing German states, and Spain
- slowly wore down Louis' forces; one memorable defeat was under England commander John Churchill at Blenheim
- Peace of Utrecht finally ended war; although allowed Louis the Spanish throne, it also affirmed that the thrones of Spain and France were to remain separated
- various lands were given out to countries; however, England was the real winner, getting the most land and emerging as a formidible naval force

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

18 nov 2018


17 feb 1702 anni
11 feb 1713 anni
~ 10 years