June 15, 2024

CONCEPTUAL ART (17 marzo 1966 anni – 29 magg 1986 anni)


- the idea is the work of art (painting, drawing, photos, sculptures were only documentation of that idea)
- influenced by Duchamp
- post-war optimism started to fade
- decade of political upheaval (civil rights movements, Vietnam War, assassinations of political leaders, etc.)
- questioned previous forms of expression with body art, performance art, and graffiti

- aimed to humanize technology and integrate technology into human lives
- the TV screen became the canvas

- Ready-mades with conceptual twist
- Life-size photo of a chair, a chair, and the definition of the chair (all 3 could be chairs)
- The chair and photo could change depending on where it is displayed
- Art is an idea
- "art lives through influencing other art"
○ Art is valuable if another artist can use it
○ Art needs to be functionalism and capable of influencing other artists
- Minimalism: carefully chosen materials
- Require no special skill to produce
- "Idea becomes the machine that makes the art"
- Abandoned psychological content and gesture
- Rejected minimalism and materials
- Questioned the authorial voice of the artist
○ The artist didn't need to make the art (they make instructions)

- subject of her work: passage of time
- work only revealed its full meaning when together
- Covered canvas with a solid colour and paints on the date
- Accompanied with a collage of newspaper from that day from the city he was in
- Reports of her existence
- Indexed time and space
- Interested in existentialism

- recorded the passage of time and her experience of it by filling pages with numeration
- Not a math problem, but a drawing
- Numbers are a form of writing without explaining
- Often displayed in large rooms to surround the viewer
- Compulsive repetition
- Referencing automatism
- A model for drawing

- brought a moral conscience to conceptual art
- describes a system in which a small group of property owners were making money out of under-maintained buildings
- aimed to correct social injustice
- Conceptual photos are not art photographs, but they are documents for a thesis

- "without language, there is no art"
- Conceptual art may be made by the artist, may be fabricated by someone else, may not have been made at all
- Refused to celebrate life and decorate art galleries
○ Created dry texts and documents
○ Art is no longer unique and can be produced by anyone
○ Art is outside of the marketplace
- Art consisted of instructions

- Narrates the time and space of a New York loft

- human pun on Duchamp's "Fountain"
- not interested in adding to the collection of things known as art but investigating the possibility of what art can be
- Never done live
- Experiments in movement
- Artist is the author and the object
- Art is an activity rather than a product
- Perception is malleable
- Plays with our senses as the film and sound does not match

- questioned sexuality, intimacy, and power structures
- collapses private and public space
- masturbated underneath the audience, and made his sounds audible

- violent exhibitionism
- Pushes physical limits of the body (nailing himself, crawling over glass, being shot at)

- work is about liberation, sensuality, and spirit rather than aesthetics
- focused on the relationship between culture, meaning, and the female body
- her work describes her life and challenged the codes of the art world

- grew up in a communist government and was brought up in post-war Germany (made him aware of the catastrophic consequences of government censorship)
- Relation works
- explore the limits of self and other
- Cut/inflict pain on her own body
- wanted freedom for her own body
- Intentionally makes the viewer uncomfortable

- examines the disruptive lens of racism
- uses her art to fell less powerless
- examines attitudes about race and the formation of personal identity in America

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

16 dic 2018


17 marzo 1966 anni
29 magg 1986 anni
~ 20 years