June 15, 2024

1950-1959 (1 gen 1950 anni – 27 apr 1955 anni)


1950 - Haiti and Barbados adopt woman suffrage.

1950 - Canada grants full suffrage, extending the vote to some women (and men) previously not included, still excluding Native women.

1951 - Antigua, Nepal and Grenada give women the vote.

1952 - Covenant on Political Rights of Women enacted by the United Nations, calling for women's right to vote and right to stand for elections.

1952 - Greece, Lebanon and Bolivia (with restrictions) extend suffrage to women.

1953 - Mexico grants women the right to stand for election. and to vote in national elections.

1953 - Hungary and Guyana give voting rights to women.

1953 - Bhutan and the Syrian Arab Republic establish full woman suffrage.

1954 - Ghana, Colombia and Belize grant woman suffrage.

1955 - Cambodia, Ethiopia, Peru, Honduras and Nicaragua adopt woman suffrage.

1956 - Women given suffrage in Egypt, Somalia, Comoros, Mauritius, Mali and Benin.

1956 - Pakistani women gain right to vote in national elections.

1957 - Malaysia extends suffrage to women.

1957 - Zimbabwe grants women the vote.

1959 - Madagascar and Tanzania give suffrage to women.

1959 - San Marino permits women to vote.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1950 anni
27 apr 1955 anni
~ 5 years and 3 months