June 15, 2024

The Walking Dead: The Fall of the Governor: Part 2 (Novel 4) (1 ore 33 min, 12 apr 2004 anni – 17 ore 16 giug 2004 anni)


NOTE: The Fall of the Governor makes a lot of mistakes throughout the novels. Such as Rick's group spending a week in Woodbury and two years having passed since the outbreak started. The comics have taken priority when it comes to this arc.

- Day 268 > 333
- Michonne tortures and mutilates the Governor.
- Rumours start to spread about the disappearances.
- Austin and Lilly find Stevens dead.
- Lilly and Austin bury Dr. Stevens.
- Lilly goes to find out where the Governor is.
- Lilly takes control of Woodbury and holds a private meeting, Gabe is almost killed.
- Lilly's inner circle continue to secure Woodbury.
- Lilly and Bob discuss Woodbury.
- Gus, Curtis, Rudy, Matthew and Ray go on a supply run.
- The Governor wakes up from his coma.
- Lilly speaks to the Governor and picks a team to go and find Martinez.
- Lilly's team set out to find Martinez.
- They lose the track and go to the crash site.
- They reach the crash site and find Martinez amongst the herd.
- The Governor declares war on the prison group.
- Lilly lies awake and decides to speak to the Governor.
- Lilly visits the Governor.
- Lilly has a fever and starts bleeding.
- The Governor cleans up all the stains in his house.
- The Governor removes Penny's teeth and kisses her, Lilly has a miscarriage.
- The Governor investigates the Walmart gunfire.
- Gabe meets back up with Gus and Rudy, they hear gunfire.
- Gabe tells the Governor the prison's location.
- Lilly and Gabe prepare the town for the assault.
- The Governor acquires an Abrams M1 tank from the National Guard station.
- Lilly finishes up preparations for the assault.
- The Governor gets Bob to watch Penny.
- The Woodbury army sets out to attack the prison.
- The Governor announces the prison and climbs the tank.
- The Governor attacks the prison for the first time, they are forced to retreat.
- They mourn their fallen friends and hold a small funeral.
- Michonne and Tyreese attack Woodbury, Tyreese is captured.
- The Governor talks with Tyreese.
- Gabe can't sleep and worries about his lies.
- The Governor decapitates Tyreese.
- Michonne returns and then escapes again.
- The Governor attacks the prison for the second time, Gabe is killed.
- The Governor drives over the prison's fence.
- Alice is killed, Lilly kills a mother, her baby and the Governor, the prison is ruined.
- The seven surviving Woodbury soldiers spend the night in the prison.
- Lilly finds out about Austin's bite.
- Austin comes up with a plan to escape.
- Austin executes his insane plan and sacrifices himself for the group.
- The six surviving Woodbury soldiers return to a burning Woodbury which Lilly saves.
- Lilly secures the town and becomes the leader of Woodbury.
- They set up a memorial for everyone who has died, they remove all trace of the arena fights.
- Lilly puts down the Governor's heads and Penny Blake.
- A funeral is held for Penny, the Dupree family arrive at Woodbury.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 ore 33 min, 12 apr 2004 anni
17 ore 16 giug 2004 anni
~ 2 months and 5 days
