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April 1, 2024

Idrisids were hunt (10 feb 925 anni – 27 lugl 927 anni)


Hassan I al-Hajam managed to control Fez from 925 until 927 but he was the last of the dynasty to hold power there.
From Fez, the Miknasa began a violent hunt across Morocco for members of the Idrisid family, seeking to exterminate them. Most of the Idrisids settled among the Jbala tribes in North-west Morocco where they were protected by the reluctance of tribal elders to have the local descendants of Muhammad's family be wiped out. In the Jbala region they had a stronghold in the fortress of Hajar an-Nasar, from where they tried to restore their power base.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


10 feb 925 anni
27 lugl 927 anni
~ 2 years and 5 months