// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Second Continental Congress (10 magg 1775 anni – 1 marzo 1781 anni) (Il nastro del tempo)
April 1, 2024

Second Continental Congress (10 magg 1775 anni – 1 marzo 1781 anni)


On May 10 1775, Delegates from the 13 colonies came to a convention at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which the second one managed the Colonial war effort and moved incrementally towards independence.

Quote 1: "War is a question, under our constitution, not of Executive, but of Legislative cognizance. It belongs to Congress to say whether the Nation shall of choice dismiss the olive branch and unfurl the banners of War."

- Alexander Hamilton

Quote 2: "I was the oldest member of the Second Continental Congress. I was on a committee to draft the declaration of why we are seeking our independence. I saw many, many changes to the declaration. Mr. Jefferson, who wrote it, was a little upset about some of it, but we talked about it, and he realized that the changes were necessary, If for no other reason, than to make each one of us a part of that document."

- Ralph Archboid

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

17 nov 2020


10 magg 1775 anni
1 marzo 1781 anni
~ 5 years and 9 months
