// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Divided Kingdom (1 gen 922 anni a. C. – 1 gen 722 anni a. C.) (Il nastro del tempo)
April 1, 2024

Divided Kingdom (1 gen 922 anni a. C. – 1 gen 722 anni a. C.)


Biblical Reference: 1 Kings, Major and Minor Prophets


Civil War - when Solomon dies in 922 BC Solomon's sons and military commanders struggled for the throne. Solomon had blessed Rehoboam to be the new King, but Jeroboam had more military influence. Each claimed to be God's chosen King.

Division - after the struggle 10 tribes went to the North following Jeroboam in the name of the northern kingdom was called "Israel". The remaining two tribes in the South made Rehoboam their King and the southern kingdom was called "Judah".

Picture Credit:
1 - The Divided Kingdom by Trevon Peach, http://slideplayer.com/slide/4207824/
2 - Why Did Israel Split Into Two Kingdom? by Elder Ishe, http://biblestudyministry.com/israel-split-kingdoms/

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

28 ott 2017


1 gen 922 anni a. C.
1 gen 722 anni a. C.
~ 200 years
