// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Battle of France (10 magg 1940 anni – 25 giug 1940 anni) (Il nastro del tempo)
April 1, 2024

Battle of France (10 magg 1940 anni – 25 giug 1940 anni)


The Battle of France, also known as the Fall of France, was the German invasion of France and the Low Countries during the Second World War. In six weeks from 10 May 1940, German forces defeated Allied forces by mobile operations and conquered France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, bringing land operations on the Western Front to an end until 6 June 1944. Italy entered the war on 10 June 1940 and attempted an invasion of France.
The German plan for the invasion consisted of two main operations. In Fall Gelb, German armoured units pushed through the Ardennes and then along the Somme valley, cutting off and surrounding the Allied units that had advanced into Belgium, to meet the expected German invasion. When British, Belgian and French forces were pushed back to the sea by the mobile and well-organised German operation, the British evacuated the British Expeditionary Force and several French divisions from Dunkirk in Operation Dynamo.
After the withdrawal of the BEF, the German forces began Fall Rot on 5 June. The sixty remaining French divisions made a determined resistance but were unable to overcome the German air superiority and armoured mobility.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


10 magg 1940 anni
25 giug 1940 anni
~ 1 months and 16 days