// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. 18. War on Terror (?? 2001 ??-present) (11 sett 2001 anni – 2 nov 2019 anni) (Il nastro del tempo)
April 1, 2024

18. War on Terror (?? 2001 ??-present) (11 sett 2001 anni – 2 nov 2019 anni)


Since the 9/11 attacks the USA and other countries are working to prevent terrorist attacks and weaken and destroy terrorist groups (and governments that support them) These groups include: Al Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS. Our weapons in this war have included armies, drones, military courts, spies, electronic surveillance, interrogation, religious profiling and more. (There is a lot of debate in Our Country about whether some of these tactics follow the rules in the Constitution.)
The wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria are part of the “War on Terror” to different extents.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


11 sett 2001 anni
2 nov 2019 anni
~ 18 years