June 15, 2024

New Egyptian Kingdom 1550 bc - 1064 bc (11 feb 1550 anni a. C. – 11 feb 1064 anni a. C.)


Facts: "Late in the Second Intermediate Period (ca. 1650–1550 B.C.), the Theban rulers (Dynasty 17) began to drive the Hyksos kings (Dynasty 15) from the Delta. This was finally accomplished by Ahmose I, who reunited Egypt, ushering in the New Kingdom—the third great era of Egyptian culture. Ahmose’s successors in Dynasty 18 conducted military campaigns that extended Egypt’s influence in the Near East and established Egyptian control of Nubia to the fourth cataract. As a result, the New Kingdom pharaohs commanded unimaginable wealth, much of which they lavished on their gods, especially Amun-Re of Thebes, whose cult temple at Karnak was augmented by succeeding generations of rulers and filled with votive statues commissioned by kings and courtiers alike."

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

20 set 2018


11 feb 1550 anni a. C.
11 feb 1064 anni a. C.
~ 486 years