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April 1, 2024

Colonists heavily taxed (12 apr 1765 anni – 3 sett 1775 anni)


In the years between 1765 and 1775 Britain greatly increased the tax burden on the American colonists by raising customs duties. This increased the tax burden by a massive 8 pence per head, to 20 pence per year — or 6% of the taxes that people in Britain itself had to pay, rather than 4%.

So, depending on which tax you're referring to (and depending on when “pound” is referring to weight as opposed to the amount of currency) the colonists were paying a tea tax of between 0.8% (3 pence per pound) and 66% (4 shillings per pound).Dec 1

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

12 set 2018


12 apr 1765 anni
3 sett 1775 anni
~ 10 years