June 15, 2024

The Quebec Conference (0 ore 1 min, 10 ottob 1864 anni – 0 ore 1 min, 3 dic 1864 anni)


About a month after the Charlottetown Conference the Representatives from Canada West, Canada East, and the Atlantic Colonies discussed and debated the needs and wants of the colonies. The Maritimes wanted access to the new trade partners in British North America, they proposed a railway to move their goods. Prince Edward Island wanted a ferry system to have better access to the mainland and a solution to the land ownership issue so tenants could buy their own land. Canada East wanted special rights for religion, education, and language. Canada West wanted a very strong central government.

After many conferences, the representatives established that the federal government would consist of two house. The House of Commons, representation would be based on population size and the Senate, which would be based on region representation. It was also agreed that the federal government would be responsible for "Indian Affairs" and should control all major sources of revenue. In return, each province would receive a payment from the federal government of 80 cents per person, at the time.

The outcome of the conference was that the Provinces of Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia agreed to join Confederation.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

7 feb 2018


0 ore 1 min, 10 ottob 1864 anni
0 ore 1 min, 3 dic 1864 anni
~ 1 months and 24 days