July 1, 2024

Middle Ages (V to XV A.C) (25 dic 476 anni – 3 nov 1450 anni)


Early Middle Ages to 476A.C - 1,000 A.C
* Barbaric Tribes invade Europe
* The Papacy evolved into a powerful political
* It encompasses the reigns of Charlemagne,
Alfred the Great, and the Danish Kings of
* It saw frequent Viking activity, and the birth
and rapid expansion of Islam in Northern
Africa and Spain.

High Middle Ages to 1,000 - 1,300
* Norman conquests in Britain and Sicily, the
* The earlier Crusades, the Investiture
Controversy and the signing of the Magna
* This period is often what we think of when
someone mentions "medieval culture."
* There was an explosion of stone castle-
the building, and the most magnificent
cathedrals in Europe.
* Establishment of universities.
* Feudalism was established.

Late Middle Ages to 1,300 - 1,450
* The Hundred Years War, the Black Death, the Avignon Papacy, the Italian Renaissance and the Peasants' Revolt.
* The 15th century saw Joan of Arc burned at the stake, the fall of Constantinople to the Turks, the Moors driven from Spain and the Jews expelled, the Wars of the Roses and the voyage of Columbus to the New World.
* The 16th century was wracked by the Reformation and blessed by the birth of Shakespeare.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


25 dic 476 anni
3 nov 1450 anni
~ 974 years
