June 15, 2024

The Walking Dead: The Road to Woodbury (Novel 2) (13 ore 7 nov 2003 anni – 5 ore 13 gen 2004 anni)


NOTE: The novel series doesn't fit well in the timeline when pared with Telltale's games. Because Telltale has more solid dates, evidence and less mistakes, the novels have been adjusted to fit with the July 19th outbreak date instead of starting in late September.

- Day 111 > 178
- Walkers attack Tent City.
- Lilly and Megan argue.
- Bob Stookey returns from a supply run, Lilly and Josh make up.
- Three days pass without an incident.
- Tent City is attacked, sixteen survivors die.
- A search party finds Lilly.
- They hold a funeral, Chad attacks Lilly and is killed by Josh.
- Josh is exiled from Tent City, Lilly, Megan, Scott and Bob join him.
- They arrive at an old gas station.
- They become accustomed to the gas station.
- Lilly and Josh hunt and get closer.
- Tent City falls, the gas station is ruined.
- They visit Tent City and leave.
- They stay in a train trestle.
- Bob finds a Walmart, they run into Martinez's group.
- They arrive at Woodbury, Georgia.
- They spend the night in a gymnasium.
- They explore Woodbury, Josh and Lilly meet Sam 'The Butcher'.
- They have a new house, Josh and Lilly make love.
- Bob meets Stevens and is befriended by 'The Governor'.
- Scott goes missing, nobody cares.
- Josh and Lilly get into Walker trouble.
- A fight breaks out in Woodbury, The Governor comes up with an idea.
- The Governor visits the guardsmen.
- Lilly and Josh sneak out of town, Megan misses her friend.
- Lilly breaks up with Josh, Walkers overrun the back yard.
- Josh is killed by Sam.
- Lilly meets Stevens and Alice, Sam is arrested.
- Bob watches the first arena fight.
- Lilly and Stevens walk around town and talk about Woodbury.
- A funeral is held for Joshua Lee Hamilton.
- The Governor collects Biters for the arena with Bob.
- Christmas doesn't get much celebration.
- Lilly, Stevens, Alice and Martinez bond and celebrate Christmas.
- Lilly visits Josh's grave and admits she's no longer afraid.
- The Governor celebrates the new year.
- Megan and The Governor have sex, Megan discovers Scott's head.
- Megan Lafferty commits suicide.
- A storm is coming, Lilly plans a revolt against The Governor.
- The storm reaches the largest public cemetery in the southern US.
- The Flint River reaches flood levels.
- The storm herd of over 4011 Walkers which head towards Woodbury.
- Martinez and four others plot against The Governor.
- Lilly sorts the guns and checks on Bob.
- The Governor perfects the fight.
- The fight begins!
- Lilly attempts to assassinate The Governor.
- They team up to escape the herd.
- They return to Woodbury, The Governor spares the conspirators and makes an announcement.
- Lilly, Martinez, Stevens and Alice chop up the bodies.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


13 ore 7 nov 2003 anni
5 ore 13 gen 2004 anni
~ 2 months and 8 days
