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April 1, 2024

Emergence of Revolutions (14 magg 1791 anni – 4 feb 1800 anni)


The period witnesses the emergence of revolutions in some of the regions where the slaves were sold. For instance, The Haitian Revolution started in 1791, which led to the establishment of Haiti as a country. Besides, such revolutions led to white refugees moving to the United States where the slave population was relatively lower. Perhaps, because of the increasing revolutions and other religious concerns, some countries start dropping the trade. For instance, in 1794, The French National Congress emancipated all the slaves who were on its colonies. In the same year, the United States passed laws that illegalized the construction, loading, fitting, or dispatching of vessels that would be used in the practice .Additionally, the “Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade” was established in England.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


14 magg 1791 anni
4 feb 1800 anni
~ 8 years and 8 months
