June 15, 2024

Power Cycle (20 lugl 2018 anni – 12 ottob 2018 anni)


Build strength and mobility to prepare for and get the most out of the hypertrophy training during the mass cycle. Maintain or slowly lose body fat. Calorie deficits will be slight in order to not overly tax recover systems and promote optimal recover and strength gains. As well as preventing injuries and correcting faulty movement patterns. Rehab & Prehab This part is fun. The training is fun, nutrition isn't very restrictive but progresses the client toward the mass phase where we clean up the diet even more. By the end of this phase the clients will be making healhier food choices. Basically, we will just add in healthier options without taking anything away, and eventually the healthier foods as the client begins to look and feel healthier will kind-of just push the bad foods out naturally. In this phase we also want to instill the habit of only eating until comfortably full, and getting a real feel for what their body is telling them. It wouln't be a bad idea to do a sugar detox sometime during this phase.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

5 lug 2018


20 lugl 2018 anni
12 ottob 2018 anni
~ 2 months and 24 days