June 15, 2024

The 7th Oipientixian Crusade (30 ottob 1627 anni – 15 giug 1654 anni)


The Seventh Oipientixian Crusade is credited with being the longest of the Oipientixian Crusades and caused major political shifts in the structure of government for Javicia.

The crusade started out as an attempt by Javician Oipientixians to push out Atobastics in Kueplios in 1615 , but then it became a larger movement that spread to numerous Oipientixian dominated cities and led to small conflicts within cities. These conflicts eventually spread and with religious factions forming and then forming alliances with other factions or taking conftrol of multiple territories, the conflicts began to merge together. By 1627, the Oipientixian Pope of Javicia declared the Seventh Crusade and marked specific cities as needing clensing from the heretic faith. Empress Eldfam Falkot, an extreme Oipientixite, joined the Crusade and began to send her armies to fight against Atobastic factions throughout her empire, promoting commanders and lords to important positions if they agreed to fight for her and promise to protect Oipientixian. As she focused primarily on the crusade, she left large chunks of her territory unprotected by her troops which allowed for the Pirikian War to end in a Javician defeat. Although by 1630, Eldfam was poisoned while hosting a dinner with the leaders of large and powerful Oipientixian factions. She and a few others were poisoned and died as a result.

Xerin IV attempted to lessen the involvement of Javicia by limiting the amount of troops actively raised. This helped lower the stress that the holy war had put onto the imperial economy, but he did not fully pull out of the war, still holding a presence and continuing fighting specific factions. He also furthered the practice of placing Oipientixites who were willing to fight for the Crusade and/or did fight in it into power. He was seen as the primary leader of Oipientixian and was granted the title of "Defender of the Faith" by the popes of the religion. Once he was killed by Ṡèbdã Ũñkíṡ, his body was secretly transported to Pilatsigla and was given a large funeral by the Popes that lasted for 5 days.

Ũñkíṡ demonstrated a much larger presence in the Crusade, despite not being given the title of "Defender of the Faith" because of his actions against Xerin IV. He greatly increased the amount of standing armies and had them fight throughout Western and Northern Javicia, which came at the cost of Javicia's southern border. When the 2nd Velzen-Javician broke out, almost no troops were protecting the southern border and thus Velzen troops were able to walk right through and occupy vast amounts of land, leading to the almost immediate victory of Velzenia. Due to his fumble with the 2nd Velzen-Javician War, Ũñkíṡ started to lose support for emperor, even from his own men and family.

When he was ousted, Thaniaxe Ẁof Noteṡtok, the man who replaced Ũñkíṡ, began to pull troops out of the Crusade and, once again, lessen the involvement of Javicia. He stated numerous times that he believed the war to be pointless and leading to nothing but unnecessary bloodshed. With a year into his reign, Noteṡtok decided to put an end to the war by threatening the life of the Javician Pope, Pope Alva, into meeting with the leaders of the Atobastic faith nad agreeing to a treaty written by the emperor. In this treaty, the Oipientixian Church had to recognize the authority of the Atobastic Church and thier right to exist and in return, the Atobastics had to leave numerous major cities such as Kueplios, Nevashivi, Yenithe, Jekothi, and more. The men at the meeting, the Peace from Yèko Ivi, agreed to the terms.

The war went back and forth between the Oipientixians and the Atobastics and eventually ended in a white peace, with the Oipientixian Church recognizing the authority of the Atobastic Church.

Oipientixian factions, Javicia vs Atobastic Javician factions
White Peace
Oipientixian Church recognizes the authority of the Atobastic Church

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


30 ottob 1627 anni
15 giug 1654 anni
~ 26 years