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April 1, 2024

Withdrawal from the 'East of Suez' (1 gen 1968 anni – 1 gen 1971 anni)


Defences in Commonwealth countries were becoming too expensive. Defences Secretary, Denis Healey, called for the decolonisation of the East of Suez-including Malaysia and Singapore.

James Callaghan wanted the withdrawal to be as quick as possible, being aware of Britain's economic weakness.

However Wilson and Brown were not so hasty as America wanted Britain to maintain it's hold of the East of Suez as it benefited them in the Vietnam War, as well as halting any advances in communism.

However after the devaluation crisis, the government could not hold on to the East of Suez anymore.

Britain was seen as a lesser world power due to this.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

7 giorni fa


1 gen 1968 anni
1 gen 1971 anni
~ 3 years