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April 1, 2024

The Korean War (25 giug 1950 anni – 27 lugl 1953 anni)


Korea had been split temporarily between the 38th parallel after the Second World War, with the Soviet Union occupying the North and the USA occupying the South.

Forces from the North started to invade the South in 1950. The UN sent forces to combat the invasion. Britain sent over 90,000 soldiers, the second biggest contingent after America.

Britain's military involvement were not always significant in America's objective, but the British government was still committed in remaining loyal to the US.

This was all done during Attlee's government, and when the Conservatives came into power in 1951, Churchill continue the military support. However, the support came at cost economically.

In January 1951, planned expenditure was increased to £4,700 million during the next three years, a rise from 8% to 14% gross national product (total value of all goods and services produced in one year by residents of a country).

Britain and Americans commanders would have serious disagreements especially with the aggressive Douglas MacArthur.

Conflict ceased with a statlemate concluded on 27 July 1953.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

8 giorni fa


25 giug 1950 anni
27 lugl 1953 anni
~ 3 years