June 15, 2024

World war 2 (1 sett 1939 anni – 2 sett 1945 anni)


When: World war 2 started on the 1st of september, 1939, and it ended exactly 6 years and one day later on September 2nd 1945
Where: The war was fought worldwide, but it was mostly fought in Africa and Asia, and the most important war scene was in Europe
Who:The people fighting were the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) and the Allies (France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and China)
What: WWII was the deadliest war in the history of the world
Why: there are lots of reasons why World War 2 started but the main reason is that Hitler invaded poland in september 1939, and it made Great britain and France go to war with Germany
Impact: because of the war, there are shortages of foods, fuel, and other consumer products

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 sett 1939 anni
2 sett 1945 anni
~ 6 years