June 15, 2024

US in Nicaragua (8 sett 1979 anni – 18 gen 1983 anni)


In 1912 the US invaded and occupied Nicaragua until 1936 eventually transferring power to the Somoza military dictatorship. They ruled the country with close relations US . The Somozas once own 1/6th of national territory for their own land and the US agreed to look the other way.

In 1979 the Sandinista Front for National Liberation was built and took power. The front is named after Augusto Sandino a resistance leader of imperialism from the 1930s. The SFNL fought in opposition to US hands and Somoza ruling leading to a war consisting of workers and students.

In return the US interviewed in the war by supporting Somoza and the Contra forces. This was the biggest CIA operation in Latin America since the Bay of Pigs.

In 1984, the CIA mined the main Nicaraguan harbors in order to prevent supplies reaching the government.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


8 sett 1979 anni
18 gen 1983 anni
~ 3 years and 4 months
