June 15, 2024

Angolan War of Independence (1 apr 1960 anni – 1 magg 1975 anni)


Angolan started moving away from Portuguese control and towards independence. Three major nationalist groups formed fighting for power with outside influence pouring in amplifying tensions.

Frente National de Liberation of Angola (FNLA)
led by Holden Roberto were supported by China, US, South Africa, and Zaire.

National Union for the Total Liberation of Angola (UNITA) led by Jonas Savimbi. Having pro-western leanings and received support initially from China and then the US, South Africa, and Zaire.

Popular Movement of the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) led by Aghostiho Neto. Having pro-soviet leanings recived a large amount support from them. Additionally Cubans helped train their military.

Eventually fighting heightened between UNITA and the MPLA showcasing the US and USSR proxy war influence.

Angola achieved independence in 1975 through the Alvor Agreement. Afterwards Angola entered a civil war lasting until 2002.

The effects from the conflicts and amplifications made by the US and USSR shadow the region today. Leftover landmines litter fields and are a threat communities endure today.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 apr 1960 anni
1 magg 1975 anni
~ 15 years
