June 15, 2024

*Idi Amin (1 gen 1971 anni – 1 gen 1979 anni)


Idi Amin joined the Kings African Rifles at 18. He developed more pro-western rhetoric receiving military training from the UK and Israel. During his power he grew a relationship with Zaire's Mobutu Sese Seko. He played both the US and Soviet Union seeking whoever would sell weapons holding power for 8 years by violence. He had five wives that he murdered. Idi went into exile in Saudi Arabia living in a palace until his death in 2003.

In 1971, Idi launched a military coup overthrowing Milton Obote and declaring himself as president of Uganda.

In 1972, Idi ordered all Asian people to leave the country in 90 days.

In 1976, Idi supports hijackers from ... leading to Israel's Operation Entebbe.

In 1978, Idi commanded an attempted to annex Tanzania's Kagera Region.

In 2003, Idi died in Saudi Arabia.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1971 anni
1 gen 1979 anni
~ 8 years
