July 1, 2024

Colonies at 1750 (1 gen 1750 anni – 31 dic 1750 anni)


- very fast growing pop. at 1.5 million ppl
- lots of food, big families, growing pop.
- growing due to slaves and voluntary immigration
- primarily rural
major cities: Charleston, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston
- all colonies have an elected assembly (property and religious restrictions on those who can vote)
- All governors appointed by England except Rhode Island and Connecticut
- All assemblies pay the governor's salaries
- Colonies weak, England still the center of action
- Apex of social order is NOT aristocrats but gentleman who have money, behave better, and are more tasteful
New York
Starts as a Dutch colony
In 1675 became an English colony
Varied European population
Most of New York was still controlled by Native Americans (Iroquois)
Iroquois are very powerful, have 5 tribes, and are essentially their own independent country
Hard to get land (mostly enormous estates that rent land, not sell it) so Europeans tend not to immigrate there
Large enslaved population (20%)
Policing problems
In 1743 there was sweeping paranoia about catholicism regarding tyranny - belief in a plot that English Catholics would revolt with the slaves and massacre - led people to kill about 25 Africans and burn some Catholics

Founded by Quakers
Quakers: Protestant group that mutated from Puritans (Quakers don’t like religious groups → in a Quaker meeting you sit around in silence until inspired by the Holy Spirit to talk - anyone can be a preacher, even women
The Holy Spirit can speak to Quakers directly
In 1682, King Charles II gave William Penn, a Quaker, a charter to form Pennsylvania
Tried to treat Native Americans fairly
Believed in religious toleration
Migrant magnet: likely to do well

Maryland and Virginia
Slave societies (organized around slavery)
Shifted to African slavery towards the end of the 17th Century/start of the 18th Century → # of Africans skyrockets, the price of slaves dropping
By 1735, 35% of the population is African
The large number of slaves led to policing/control issues
Slave patrols: White people going out at night to keep slaves in line
Makes them more racist, and they justify it through “superiority”
In Virginia, there’s a large wealth gap compared to the Northern colonies

South Carolina
The main crop is rice, which is very profitable but needs a large workforce
Slavery harsher than in Virginia
Plantation owners in South Carolina are super wealthy
Slaves retain more African traditions because there are so many of them

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1750 anni
31 dic 1750 anni
~ 12 months