June 15, 2024

Alpha (30 giug 2010 anni – 3 dic 2010 anni)


Alpha was the fifth phase in the development cycle of Minecraft (after Infdev) and was the fourth Minecraft development stage to have some of its versions released to the public. There was only one type of game mode playable in this version — Survival. One of Alpha's most striking differences to modern versions of Minecraft is the bright green sort of texture used by all foliage blocks, as biomes were not implemented at the time.

During the Alpha phase, Minecraft was updated very frequently due to Notch working full-time on Minecraft since June 1, 2010, and having a small company made later (Mojang). Bug fixes and tweaks could happen throughout the week, appearing on the game's development blog, with major additions and changes appearing in 'Seecret' Friday updates, leaving the game's players to discover the included new features.

On December 11, 2010, Notch announced that the game would enter the Beta stage of development on December 20, 2010, at which point the price would increase to €14.95.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


30 giug 2010 anni
3 dic 2010 anni
~ 5 months and 6 days
