June 15, 2024

Infdev (14 ore 19 min, 27 feb 2010 anni – 30 giug 2010 anni)


Infdev (short for infinite development) was the fourth phase in the development cycle of Minecraft. It was only playable in single-player Survival mode, and was the third Minecraft development stage to have some of its versions released to the public.

Infdev succeeded Indev when Notch decided to rewrite the game's code to allow terrain to be "infinite" and procedurally generated rather than finite. This principle of how maps are generated is similar to current Minecraft levels. Ever since Infdev, maps generated terrain theoretically 8 times the size of the Earth. Infdev was also the first appearance of the Far Lands. The edge of the map limits the world to 64,000,000 blocks by 64,000,000 blocks, or 4.096 billion square kilometers. For comparison, the Earth has a total surface area (including ocean) of 510 million square kilometers.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


14 ore 19 min, 27 feb 2010 anni
30 giug 2010 anni
~ 4 months and 3 days
