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April 1, 2024

The 2nd Velzen-Javician War (20 feb 1650 anni – 23 lugl 1651 anni)


Velzenia vs Javicia
Velzenia claimed Daroub & Widib Fwennisèvd
Velzen Victory
Velzenia annexed their old territories,
As Javicia was distracted by the Seventh Oipientixian Crusade and had most if not all of their armies in Western and Northern Javicia, as well as having some in Soleia due ot the 2nd Simesentana War. With the lack of soldiers protecting the southern border of Javicia, Velzen troops were able to quickly seize vasts amount of land and force a treaty onto Javicia, leading to their victory. The defeat in the war led to the ousting of Emperor Ũñkíṡ.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

5 giorni fa


20 feb 1650 anni
23 lugl 1651 anni
~ 1 years and 5 months